Lesson Two: Develop and Commit to Your Mission and Vision

Whether a film commission is seeking its initial funding, increased funding, or facing the challenges of cuts in funding, all actions come back to the organization’s mission and how to meet that mission’s core objectives. A mission takes funding and funding is inextricably linked to a mission, a plan.

Keep in mind, as part of building your mission you will need to make sure that you understand what you are required to do. For some entities, your core responsibilities or mandates will be laid out in law or rules. For others, you will need to refer to governing documents that were formed at the time of inception. Both of these will guide the development or refinement of your mission.

If you are a not-for-profit, be sure you are versed in your organization’s bylaws and the legal requirements associated with your non-profit status with the government. For instance, some not for profit entities have mandatory fund raising requirements.

If you are a government agency, it is likely that your commission or office was created by the legislature and it’s important that you are familiar with your purpose and functionality under the law.

Your vision and mission as an organization should reflect the requirements for your organization and tell the world what your ultimate goal is and why you exist. Take a look at your mission and vision statements and assure that you are still comfortable with what they say and the direction they provide for your organization. If you need more help developing or updating a vision or mission statement, return to the Management Skills module in this series.